en ICECHIM Rezultate ICECHIM - Rezultate in Cercetare

Innovative apatitic materials with enhanced antimicrobial activity for building materials and cultural heritage conservation (HAPENGCULT)

Financing: State budget

Programme: PNCDI III- Programme 2: Increasing the competitiveness of the Romanian economy through research, development and innovation, Experimental demonstration project

Project code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0198

Domain: 4. Eco-nano-technologies and advanced materials

Project title: Innovative apatitic materials with enhanced antimicrobial activity for building materials and cultural heritage conservation  (HAPENGCULT)

Contract: 121 / 2017

Total value: 700000 lei

From state budget: 600000 lei

Co-financing: 100000 lei

Project duration: 18 months

Implementation period: 03.01.2017 - 02.07.2018

Contractor: The National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry – ICECHIM Bucharest

Contracting authority: The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding

Project manager: Dr. chim. Radu Claudiu Fierascu; e-mail: radu_claudiu_fierascu@yahoo.com


The National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry – ICECHIM

Bucharest, 060021, tel: 0213153299 fax: 0213123493,

Project manager: Dr. chim. Radu Claudiu Fierascu, tel. 021 316 30 68/int 136, email: radu_claudiu_fierascu@yahoo.com


CEPROCIM S.A., Bucharest, 062203, tel: 0213188893 fax: 0213188894,

Project responsible: Dr. Ing. Adriana Moanta, tel. 0213188893 email: adriana.moanta@ceprocim.ro

The main goal of the project is the development of an innovative and versatile solution (consisting of hydroxyapatite derivatives), solution that could be applied either by incorporation into the building material (primary objective) or by surface spraying (secondary objective). From the project will emerge new solutions to an increasing problem, respectively the microbial loading of various buildings and stone. Either we are speaking of hospitals, where the antimicrobial property of the building itself will be a tremendous help in fighting hospital infections,  or  historical building belonging to our national or international heritage that needs consolidation and/or surface treatment or stone monuments that needs only surface treatment. The solutions developed in this project will represent not only an alignment to the international level of research, but also a very important technical solution, that will contribute to the project sustainability after the implementation period. 
The project proposes the use of metal-substituted hydroxyapatite as antimicrobial component for building materials. This solution will be viable for multiple applications related to its use for new buildings with special requirements related to microbiological loading (such as hospital buildings) and for consolidation of cultural heritage constructions; also the use of substituted hydroxyapatites for protection of stone artefacts against environmental factors (acidic rain) and biodeterioration through spraying on their surface will also be evaluated. The validation of the proposed technologies will be obtained via third-parties studies. 
The previous obtained results allows the consortium to define daring targets, while the experience of the researchers involved ensures their fulfilment; in the same time, the potential of the solutions offered at the end of the project will ensure the future development of the project idea towards higher technology readiness levels.

The main goal of the project is the development of an innovative and versatile solution (consisting of hydroxyapatite derivatives), solution that could be applied either by incorporation into the building material (primary objective) or by surface spraying (secondary objective). From the project will emerge new solutions to an increasing problem, respectively the microbial loading of various buildings and stone artefacts.

The solutions developed in the project will materialize in the following expected results: 
- protocols for characterisation of materials used in engineering); 
- models of stone artefacts and their characterisation protocols 
- analytical characterisation protocols 
- antimicrobial characterisation protocols 
- Laboratory technology for obtaining and characterisation of building materials containing hydroxyapatite derivatives 
- laboratory technology for the development of innovative solutions based on hydroxyapatite derivatives suspensions for cultural heritage conservation 
- demonstrators for the two technologies 
- two patent applications 
- 4 ISI papers 
- Participation to 5 international scientific conferences

BraMat 2017, Brasov, 08th - 11th March 2017


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